Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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Observation Narrative
A narrow Tsuga canadensis - mixed hardwood-dominated, perennial high-gradient stream ravine. There may be two communities here which are lumped together in this plot: a steep lower slope/toe slope forest and a bouldery alluvial streamside terrace forest. Most of the woody species are in both habitats, but some of the oligotrophic indicator species (e.g., Galax urceolata) are absent from or sparse in the bouldery bottom. The submesotrophic herbs are in both habitats, though quickly playing out upslope. Pinus pungens is really spilling over from the xeric pine-oak/heath woodland upslope. The stream bottom served as a tote road evidently for chestnut salvage upstream, but it is unclear whether the ravine was logged; a 52-cm Quercus rubra in the plot is 138 years old, and chestnut salvage would likely have occurred much more recently. There are several large, probably old-age Liriodendron tulipifera and Nyssa sylvatica scattered along the bouldery bottom. Hemlock-dominated ravines are uncommon in the study area overall. Stream bottom has an aspect of 20 degrees; side slope aspect is west to northwest.
Plot located ca. 1.6 mi south of Hematite, on east side of Little Crow Run.